The following is a copy of an email I received asking for signatures on a petition, and letters to appropriate MPs regarding the EU directive on human trafficking. The link to send an 'easy letter' to your MP is attached, and it only takes a couple of minutes. I'm sure everyone is aware that human trafficking affects a dispropotionate number of women and children, and this is a quick and easy way to make your voice heard on this issue.
--Clara x
Will out government join European efforts to tackle human trafficking? It's on a knife edge. And there's no time to lose: the government is likely to make a decision, good or bad, in the next couple of weeks.
MPs could plat a key role in pushing the goverment to do the right thing. They need to tell David Cameron and Teresa May that their voters want actrion to tackle trafficking. Let's email out MPs today and demand they speak out.
Every year, criminal gangs traffic thousands of people into the UK> Once the victims arrive here, many of them, including children, end up in the sex trade. The new Europe-wide plan would make life harder for the criminal gangs, and mean better protection for the victims.
If our government refues to join in, that would be a disaster: great news for the trafficking gangs, but terrible news for their victims. If enough of us contact our MPs this week, we can help make sure this doesn't happen.
We will be delivering our petition - over 26, 000 strong - very soon. Contacting Mps now will mean the government feels the pressure from all angles. We know that the combination of a public petition and personal messages to MPs can make a difference. That's exactly what we did to change the government's mind about selling off our forests.
Send your MP a message asking them to stand up for action to protect the victims of human trafficking:
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